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04 veebruar 2025, 17:00 - 18:30

Inglise keele vestlusring Sophiega

Akadeemia 3, 80010 Pärnu linn
4. veebruaril kell 17.00 on raamatukogu 3. korrusel asuvasse saksa lugemissaali oodatud kõik, kes soovivad harjutada inglise keelt seda emakeelena kõnelejaga. Vestlusringi veab Sophie Abrahamson, kes on Eestisse tulnud USA-st Fulbrighti vahetusprogrammi raames.
Sophie kirjutab enda kohta:
„Tere! My name is Sophie Abrahamson. I am here through the United States exchange program called “Fulbright,” working as an English Teaching Assistant at the Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium this school year. After this year, I will be attending medical school back in the U.S. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, and went to college at Columbia University in New York City, where I studied biochemistry. I love musical theater, bouldering (indoor rock climbing), and coffee and tea, as well as talking about the exciting similarities and differences between Estonia and the U.S. I look forward to meeting everyone, and if you ever want to practice your English, please say hello!“
Vestlusring on tasuta, tulge lihtsalt kohale!
Pärnu Keskraamatukogu
vaadatud 8 korda
Jaga sõpradele
4. veebruaril kell 17.00 on raamatukogu 3. korrusel asuvasse saksa lugemissaali oodatud kõik, kes soovivad harjutada inglise keelt seda emakeelena kõnelejaga. Vestlusringi veab Sophie Abrahamson, kes on Eestisse tulnud USA-st Fulbrighti vahetusprogrammi raames.
Sophie kirjutab enda kohta:
„Tere! My name is Sophie Abrahamson. I am here through the United States exchange program called “Fulbright,” working as an English Teaching Assistant at the Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium this school year. After this year, I will be attending medical school back in the U.S. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, and went to college at Columbia University in New York City, where I studied biochemistry. I love musical theater, bouldering (indoor rock climbing), and coffee and tea, as well as talking about the exciting similarities and differences between Estonia and the U.S. I look forward to meeting everyone, and if you ever want to practice your English, please say hello!“
Vestlusring on tasuta, tulge lihtsalt kohale!
Pärnu, Pärnu maakond, Eesti

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